Exercise Your Way to a Healthy Smile
A new study reveals that there’s yet another reason to smile about your healthy-heart habits—your oral health.
Regular moderate intensity physical activity such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports offer significant benefits to your overall health.
Such exercise can help reduce the risks of developing diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, depression, as well as specific cancers. What about the link between your healthy habits and your oral health?
Weight, Exercise, and a High Quality Diet
A study published by the Journal of Periodontology focused on the relationships between weight, exercise and a high-quality diet with dental disease among American citizens.
The study involving data from over 12,000 people was set to determine if the same factors that can lower the risks of developing diabetes and heart disease also influenced the condition of oral health.
Survey Says…
The study revealed some compelling reasons as to why your smile wants you to maintain healthy habits when it comes to food choices, exercise, and preventing excessive weight gain.
- Participants were 40 percent less likely to develop periodontitis (serious gum disease) if they adopted all three healthy habits—regularly exercising, eating a well balanced diet, and maintaining a normal, acceptable weight.
- Subjects who practised only two of the three healthy habits exhibited a 29 percent reduction in the prevalence of periodontitis.
- A considerably lower 16 percent reduction in periodontitis was noted among those who had only been carrying out one of the three recommended steps.
Take Preventative Action
This study highlights yet another reason to develop and maintain heart-healthy habits—the condition and health of your teeth and gums.
Of course, there are other vital steps that should not be overlooked in keeping your smile at the top of its game. These include brushing your teeth regularly, cleaning between your teeth daily, and visiting your dentist every six months or so for a professional cleaning and thorough examination.
We want to be your partner in health. Contact us today and exercise your right to enjoy a sparkling, healthy looking smile with our dentist in Mukilteo.
Share your secrets with us: What is your routine to make sure you keep a healthy body and happy smile?